We started Arbolus, because we believed it was possible to get more from expert and advisor relationships. We wanted to make it possible for experience to be shared without limits. Here’s how we are helping people get more value from working with external experts.
The way most companies work with experts and external advisors is suboptimal.
A few of the reasons why:
- You might make valuable connections, but then forget them overtime
Every company makes great connections with experts and advisors every day. But most don’t have anywhere to store and visualise those connections. They are spread across 100's of inboxes, and if they can’t be found, those connections can’t be used to their maximum potential.
- A lot of expert agencies force you to work with experts in an restrictive way
Lots of companies use expert network agencies as a source of expert connections. This is great. More connections = more insight. But why be restricted to a 1 hour telephone call? Why are we working with people in an analog way in a digital world?
- Making great, unique connections is a challenge
One way or another, most people are only making connections in a limited way. You are either finding people in your immediate networks, or using agencies who don’t really understand your needs to search publicly accessible networks like LinkedIn for you.

What are we doing about this?
First of all, we have built a platform. A tool that gives our users the power to start getting more from their expert relationships.
On Arbolus, you can message experts directly, chat with expert groups, share work documents, schedule calls / meetings directly, log and share transcripts and even invite your own experts and use our payment tool to make billing simple.
You can see project libraries, allowing you to go back to past projects and find anyone you’ve ever made a connection with.
You can use our AI-matching tool, Hyperion, to find new people. A tool that relies on 1000's of data sources and leverages the networks of true experts to find experts. Not human beings who search LinkedIn.
We’ve also given total transparency to rates, and developed a fairer pricing model, where most of what you pay goes to the experts themselves. This means you can do more with experts, and helps us on the way to our mission of 1m matches.
What next?
If this resonates with you, and like us, you agree you should be getting more from your expert relationships, we would love to speak with you.
We want to change the way you work with external experts and advisors, because the way that it is done right now isn’t working.